Assistant Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
Nauset Public Schools prepares each student to succeed in an ever-changing world by providing a rigorous academic program that integrates social-emotional learning and global awareness.
The district’s 2021-2025 strategic plan lays the path for curriculum that reflects a project-based, interdisciplinary approach to learning. In addition, each of our educators aim to design learning experiences that not only provide deep knowledge and application of content, yet also actively includes opportunities for students to develop their global competencies: communication, character, citizenship, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.
Curriculum, instruction, and assessment development is to be considered a continuous process and is committed to equity. Thus, the process ensures engaging authentic work, knowledge building, application of 21st century skills, and equally high outcomes for all students.
“Our best hope collectively is that deep learners inherit the world.”
Deep Learning: Engage the World, Change the World, p.164