Nauset Regional School District & Union #54

In 1958, Orleans-Eastham-Wellfleet Schools, serving grades 7-12, opened at what is now the Nauset Regional Middle School.  At this time, Orleans High School Union #54 was formed by Orleans, Eastham, and Wellfleet elementary school committees.  In 1960, the school district name changed from Orleans-Eastham-Wellfleet to the Nauset Regional School District.  Today, School Union #54 includes the district elementary school committees of Brewster, Eastham, Orleans, and Wellfleet.  Union #54 and Nauset Regional School Committee (representing Central Office, Nauset High School and Nauset Middle School) join together on matters of budget, employment of the Superintendent, staff negotiations and NPS Policy.  The Nauset Education Association represents the unionized employees in all seven schools.

Nauset Regional School District & Union #54 - School Committee Members